A Bottom-Up Approach for Conservation of Endangered Species outside Protected Area. Local elected members from red panda habitats in Jajarkot insist need to table policy level strategies to ensure its conservation of their own in the future. Red Panda conservation action plan had been previously prepared for Langtang National Park and Buffer Zone (2010-2014) and no similar local action plan has been formulated outside Protected Area. Therefore, a local level red panda conservation action plan has been envisioned to achieve the goal of second national red panda conservation action plan. This plan not only escorts ongoing community based red panda conservation activities but also promises to have high conservation return for the investment. Reports on police apprehending persons with red panda hides are increasing from western regions of Nepal. Hence, school and community awareness and sensitization might improve the impact of conservation efforts. An endorsement of the local red panda action plan from the local government will pave the way for future investment of time and resources for its conservation.
The participatory planning process is extremely effective in tapping into the unique perspectives of the rural poor, helping to unlock their ideas not only on the nature and causes of the issues that affect them but also on realistic solutions. It enables local people to share their perceptions and identify, priorities and appraise issues from their knowledge of local conditions. Local-level participatory consultation, FGD, and workshops for red panda conservation planning approach avoids pitfalls caused by ignorance of the realities of the community which will also provide an opportunity for often-disenfranchised groups like herders, herbs collectors to be heard. With its underpinnings of collaboration, inclusiveness, and empowerment, a participatory approach embodies the ideals that form the foundations of most grassroots and community-based red panda conservation initiations by Local Government, clubs and conservation institutions.
This project is supported by the 'Rufford Foundation' UK.
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